20 High School Time (Victoria Line)


Eingeschränkte Ansicht im Demo-Modus
Für den vollen Funktionsumfang ist ein Erwerb eines Singbuch-Abos oder eines E-Learning-Abos nötig.

Ein Kanon zum einsingen und loopen


Tipps zum Unterricht




[Strophe 1]

I told them  I’d be gone for three years

with a class to enjoy my time

I told them I got caught up at school

With a pile of homework tonight

You don’t understand the pain

That I felt when I waved my friends goodbye

You can trust me I feel more than enough

stress without a deny

High school Time, well it’s all over

Now we’re free to go our way

Haven’t thought that will be so hard

Someone will have to understand


And why do we leave the people around us?

Why do we say goodbye to our loved ones?

I don’t wanna leave no, I don’t wanna leave again

And why do we have to be moving on now?

Laughing it all off only to be gone?

I`m not even ready, I’m not even ready to go

[Strophe 2]

I don’t know why we always keep leaving

The ones we love the most

Come on now and go ahead, yeah

It’s so late, we’re way too close

So think about the old times,

Let’s all smile, now

Forget the bad things we all said

If you want, you can go

But don’t forget us

Someone will have to recall our time


And why do we leave the people around us?

Why do we say goodbye to our loved ones?

I don’t wanna leave no, I don’t wanna leave again

And why do we have to be moving on now?

Laughing it off only to be gone?

I’m not even ready, I’m not even ready to go


Hide, we hide with the tears on our faces

Hide, you hide, I hide, ’cause we wanna stay

Wanna stay, wanna stay


And why do we leave the people around us?

Why do we say goodbye to our loved ones?

I don’t wanna leave no, I don’t wanna leave again

And why do we have to be moving on now?

Laughing it off only to be gone?

I’m not even ready, I’m not even ready to go

Oh, I’m not even ready, I’m not even ready to go       

But we keep remembering the highschool time <3

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